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22 February 2016

Top 10 attributes of a great company

Sharon Milner

22 February 2016

Having worked in several businesses of varying sizes over the last 15 years, I’ve drawn up my own list of what I think constitutes a great company!

  1. Clear and consistent communications. Both with your customers and with your employees. Creates trust and helps build open working relationships.
  2. Being focused on results / target driven. If you don’t know what you’re aiming for, how would you know when you’ve got there.
  3. Innovation. You don’t have to have the best ideas all the time. And sometimes it’s about not having to re-invent the wheel, but innovation can help take your business forward in leaps.
  4. Teamwork. Working together to achieve a common set of goals.
  5. Being decisive. Making no decision is just burying your head in the sand. Even a bad decision can be overcome. Be bold and make that leap.
  6. Enthusiasm, passion and attitude. Even in the tough times!
  7. Setting high standards. And then ensure that you deliver to that standard too. Then demand it from your staff too. You want the best people working for you, so why put up with less?
  8. Embrace and reward positive behaviours.
  9. Pride in your team and their output. Celebrate your success.
  10. Fairness – to one another, to your customers and to the community in which you work.
