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8 Tips for dealing with negative customer feedback on social media

So we all know that social media is a great – and cost-effective way to share our positive news stories, promote upcoming events, help with new product launches and get customer reviews. However, it’s also a great way for your customers to have their say when they’re unhappy, or have had a bad customer experience. […]

Four tips for effective print design

So, you’re brimming with creative design ideas, ready to bring your vision to life on paper. But let’s admit it, navigating the intricacies of print design can feel like stepping into a labyrinth, especially if you’re not intimately familiar with the printing process. What constitutes excellent print design, and what might cause your printer to […]

Top 10 leadership behaviours that drive a company’s culture

Over the last 20 years, I’ve seen some great, natural leaders. But sadly, as I’m sure we all have, I’ve also seen individuals who have probably been promoted due to technically being good at the job, but who do not possess any leadership skills. Being an outstanding leader is fundamentally different from being a great […]

8 reasons to outsource your marketing… or at least some of it

Marketing strategies are rapidly changing and traditional marketing managers, who were perhaps previously expected to be a ‘Jack of all Trades’ and able to dabble in, or at least oversee, a wide portfolio of marketing activities are typically finding it increasingly difficult to stay on top of trends and skills in all marketing disciplines. This […]

7 reasons why your marketing may not be working for you

Over the last 20 or so years, I’ve been lucky enough to work alongside (and within) various organisations of different sizes and with different products / services. This has given me the opportunity to see first hand what works for most businesses – and equally, what doesn’t! Here’s my view on some of the common […]

Need some ideas for team-building events?

We often get asked to help come up with ideas for team-building activities. This is something we particularly enjoy getting involved with. Over the last 20 years, we have taken part in, or run various fun, but productive, team building events. Here are some of our favourites. 1 – Story Telling Really quick, reasonably cheap […]

Thinking about starting your marketing plan?

So it’s that time again, you’ve got to decide what marketing campaigns, promotions and customer communications you intend doing this financial year. What will drive enquiries? What will grow your sales? And what will help you keep your existing customers? Do you know which channels to use? How you need to talk to your customers […]

Why you’re better off outsourcing your social media

“Surely updating my Twitter and Facebook pages is a quick and simple job. Why would I want to pay someone else to do it for me?” This is a question we sometimes get asked. The reasons are many and varied. Here’s our top 7 list of reasons why you shouldn’t attempt to keep your business’ […]

Do you measure what you do?

We know how it is, you’re really busy delivering your marketing campaigns, planning the next phase of activity and dealing with any enquiries you get in. All great news. However, if you never take time out to sit back and analyse what you’ve done and what the results were before moving on, how do you […]